Monday, February 21, 2011

Style Diary: CurT@!n$ x Complex Mag Day 6...

Day 6: I woke up late and this is what I wear when I don't feel like picking out clothes. My off days are what people identify with my style so it works. Can't go wrong with Jeans, T-shirt, and leather jacket on any day.

Marc Jacobs Hat: I've owned this exact hat for about 4 years now. I love this hat. It's cashmere and it keeps me hella warm. I wear this hat in the summer time also. I haven't figured out why yet. I just love this hat a lot. I think I'm due for a brand new one now, I'm just afraid it won't fit the same as this one has basically adopted the shape of my head.

Marc Jacobs Jacket: I can't wait until this jacket breaks in and the true beauty of the leather shines through.

Alstyle Apparel T-Shirt: White T-shirts are great personality pieces to an all black outfit. This T-shirt is pretty new so it hasn't fully been put through the ringer. See me again in another few weeks and we'll see the difference. I wear t-shirts out 'til there ain't no life left in 'em. Rips and stains are all welcome over here.

Dior Homme Jeans: I can never get tired of these. From the cut to the wash to the details, this is hands down the best pair of jeans I've ever seen in my life. My entire wardrobe is based off of these jeans. If it doesn't work with 'em, it doesn't work for me. I think every man's wardrobe should start with a pair of jeans and work outwards, it helps the process of shopping like you wouldn't believe.

Bottega Veneta Boots: Steppin' on competition. These are so rock-n-roll...


Anonymous Matthew said...

I know what you mean. But still got swag right outta bed.... Get'em Curtains

6:04 PM  

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